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Mozmill 1.5.2 and changes for running Firefox tests: Learn from the experts


The [Mozmill test automation project]( _Test_Automation)was started in January 2009 and covers the automation work forFirefox. Checkout the [project page]( _Test_Automation)or have a look at the[Mozmill Tests documentation]( _Tests)to get an impression of how to contribute in writing and running[Mozmill tests]( _Tests).Existing tests get run in the[release testing]( _Testing)cycle for new major or security releases of Firefox.

  • the application, in this case firefox, will be looked for by[mozrunner](/en/Mozrunner)a [profile object](/en/Mozprofile) will be created of the typeappropriate to the application under test

  • a [python-javascript bridge](./jsbridge) will be created which willbe used to communicate between the python runner and the JavaScripttesting environment

  • the test.js file will be sent over the jsbridge where it isloaded and executed (see:[resource://mozmill/modules/frame.js]( ) )

  • events will be sent from JavaScript back to python where they willbe listened for(see: [resource://mozmill/modules/frame.js]( ) )

  • upon test run conclusion, the results will be reported by[pluggable event handlers](./EventHandlers)

## Example API Usage

Mozmill 1.5.2 and changes for running Firefox tests

JavaScript tests may invoke arbitrary python using the PythonCallbacks[event handler](./EventHandlers) included with Mozmill. The[mozmill JavaScript module]( )has the firePythonCallback() function, which takes the filename,the name of the method in the file, a list of ordered args, and akwargs object. This function will dispatch amozmill.firePythonCallback [event](./EventHandlers) to the[mozmill.python_callbacks module]( will import and fire the appropriate callback. The filenameis relative to the location of the JavaScript test file. Note that anyreturn value from the python callback will not be sent to theJavaScript test or otherwise utilized.

  • [Introduction to Mozmill]( _Steps/Tutorial%3a_Introduction_to_Mozmill) :detailed tutorial that walks through introducing each Mozmill API object as it is needed[Mozmill tests]( _Tests) :how to setup and run the [QA]( )[mozmill tests]( -tests/)

There is API documentation for the Mozmill JavaScript tests. 2ff7e9595c

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